Dear Colleagues
If you are a NON-PATIENT FACING TRAINEES or can pass this on to N-PF trainees - please would you join this meeting (or reply to Dr Priya Deol on ) She is a non-patient facing trainee in Bath whose helping organise a pan-regional NPF group on behalf of the deanery. Since everything is now delivered remotely, we feel there is a tremendous opportunity here for a pan-regional NPF group(s). We would therefore like to invite you to our initial Pan Regional NPF Meeting: Date: Wednesday 1st July Time: 2.30-3.30pmZoom Link: ID: 949 5603 1050Password: 4UnqtK Pooling resources seems sensible for a number of reasons including:
The number of NPF trainees in each Trust is relatively small and the background/stage of training/specialty of these trainees very varied. Bringing together a larger group of trainees offers more scope for pairing/grouping individuals facing similar issues/concerns
The NPF group will fluctuate due to eg. change in circumstances/rotations to different location. Pregnancy is the obvious example of a ’self-limited condition’ which will lead to people leaving and joining the group.
A pan-regional group facilitates continuity of support for trainees rotating to other Trusts within region.
Sharing expertise across the region will benefit all
Giving a consistent steer across the region on process type issues will avoid confusion - we know our trainees all talk to each other across the patch.
Sharing facilitation of the group across the region makes it more achievable and less onerous in terms of senior commitment We see this group sitting under the auspices of SuppoRTT and our SuppoRTT champion. Dr Becs Mason based at the RUH has said she is happy to take an initial lead. Our wellbeing lead, Dr Sally Webber, has also kindly offered her support in terms of facilitating some sessions on generic issues such as managing uncertainty. This meeting is open to all Severn trainees who have or may encounter NPF work. This initial meeting will be to introduce the concept to trainees and to explore their needs/expectations/preferences for such a group. We envisage this group or groups initially requiring some structure and facilitation but becoming more self-directed/self-perpetuating once established. We would really benefit from hearing from you, your experiences and any contribution you would like to offer if you are able to make this meeting this coming Wednesday. Look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Best wishes, Priya Dr Priya Deol GPST2 RUH Bath C/O: Dr Kate Horn, Associate Medical Director, PGME RUH Bath